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10 leather tools to get started with leather works, Leather tools -

In this article, I will try to be exhaustive by limiting the list to the essentials, I will name and explain the use of ten tools by proposing a link for the purchase of each of them. When you start a new activity, whether it is professional or recreational, it is normal to feel drowned by the flood of information that you start to glean here and there, this article will help you to see more clearly in the choice of the essential tools that you will need to start without spending a fortune. You'll then be able to build...

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AM leather craft, download leather crafting templates, hand stitching leather, how to make leather goods, leather craft video tutorial, leather craft blog, leather craft tools, leather crafting tutorials, leather crafting video tutorials, leather tools, leather work, leather work video tutorial, leathercraft, maroquinerie, stitching leather by hand, tools for leather work, tutoriel maroquinerie, work with leather -

  Back to basics What does it takes to make a great product? Some nice uncoloured veg tanned leather, a beautiful linen thread, a simple but elegant design, without forgetting the indispensable love and know-how every true craftsmen put into his work… That’s it: less is more Get these things and you’ve got it all to produce a timeless piece of craft that you will proudly carry around for many years and even be able to pass down from generation to generation. I intentionally choose natural veg tanned leather with nothing on top, no paint, no PU coating or God...

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leather craft tools, leather tools, the tools I need to work with leather, tools for leather work -

In this video I am showing which tools are good to purchase to get started, there are not so many, but this is more or less the only tools I am using on a daily basis, I should add a stitching clamp and some saddler needles, but really, if you've got this kind of tool kit you can't really find the excuse of not having enough tools to work properly. Too many people love to collect an absurd number of tools but it seems like the more they store in their cupboards the less they really produce any leather goods. The same occurs with any...

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